Monday, July 16, 2012

Value Paradox

"Paradoxes are statements that seem contradictory but are actually true. Value paradoxes are found in the opposing values in value systems such as freedom-belonging, tradition-innovation, order-chaos. Value paradoxes are part of people's systems; they reflect the desirable versus the desire in life" (2). Value paradoxes are different across the world. Each culture has a different paradoxes unique to themselves. By understanding a particular culture, it will help you to understand why certain paradoxes exist.
                One of the major value paradoxes in our country is the fact that our society puts so much emphasis on our weight. However, at the same time, our country is full of fast food and unhealthy products that are responsible for our country's weight problem. It is no secret that America has an obesity problem. This is because people eat at fast-food restaurants on a daily basis. Some people have no choice, because eating healthy does cost more money. Although our country has a high percentage of overweight people, you will never see these people in advertising. Our advertisements are full of models with perfect bodies. These images of supermodels cause people, especially our youth, to strive to be like that. This can cause them to actually become unhealthy, by starving themselves and even do more extreme things. There are a countless number of gyms across the country, and I see new ones opening up every week. The fact that our culture pressures us to look good and be skinny, yet is filled with fast-food restaurants on every corner, is a perfect example of a value paradox.
                A product in Ireland that can be considered a value paradox is Guinness. All alcohol can be considered one, but Guinness has such an influence in Ireland and is extremely popular, making it a very good example. In Ireland, they claim that Guinness is actually good for them, and even our tour guide explained that when someone may feel a bit under the weather they will drink  a Guinness to help them feel better. People in Ireland drink Guinness with their daily meals. It may be true that Guinness can provide a small dose of antioxidants, but the Irish over exaggerate this. They make it seem as though a pint of Guinness can solve all of your problems. If you decided to have several pints of Guinness, you will find out that like any alcohol, too much of it is a bad thing. 

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